Project Overview

Art Through Time: A Global View

This Web site assembles the complete WNET series and through a wealth of supplementary interactive media, encourages deeper exploration into the rich terrain of World Art.

This site is a comprehensive companion to Art Through Time: A Global View, a thirteen-part video series that explores art across diverse cultures and historical periods. Created in collaboration with Annenberg Media and WNET Thirteen, visitors can watch all thirteen episodes in their entirety and explore a wealth of supplementary media. The site features a customizable artwork browser where the pieces in the series can be filtered by theme, period, region, or medium. Extensive zoom functionality allows for zooming and panning across the artworks in-line with explanatory text, or in an expanded view. In-depth analysis by experts in the field and living artists offers context and insight into the works; visitors can listen to audio clips of the experts or read a transcript, facilitating both a media-rich experience and research-focused learning. An embedded custom video player provides the opportunity to view the programs on the page, in a pop-out window, or in full-screen mode.