Project Overview

Bottle Imposters

Through a porthole, visitors experience a magical holographic vision of a time when Coca-Cola’s brand identity was threatened by a bevy of rank imitators.

Along the wall in the Triangle Room, circular lightboxes reveal the story of the growth of Coca-Cola and the many look-a-likes that cropped up in the wake of its success prior to the advent of the distinctive Coca-Cola contour bottle. Visitors are surprised to find that one of these circles is not a lightbox, but a portal into a 3D show. A historic Coke bottle is assailed by impostor labels, which circle, then land, only to be scanned and destroyed in a variety of fun ways.

The unit integrates a physical artifact with digital media to create a holographic effect using the Pepper’s Ghost technique. Images seem to float in space, creating a magical experience that makes visitors wonder: how did they do that?