Project Overview

Commons Website & Mobile App

Through the Commons website, the experience is broadened so all North Carolinians can be part of the discussion, and people around the world can share their insights and learn from the progressive action happening in the state.

Each of the areas of the Commons is simultaneously represented online. News and social media are integrated directly on the homepage so the content stays fresh and up-to-date. Relevant “Challenges” faced by the state are presented in a dynamic way where user-responses are immediately polled. North Carolina has a history of transformative ideas, and the website provides a platform for citizens to voice their thoughts and for others to rate them with personal feedback.

To better inform their decisions, an entire section is dedicated to providing access to datasets. In addition to elegantly displaying visualizations, users can directly access the data and download it locally. All of the videos in the Voices Area are also displayed online, sharing stories about a diversity of topics—everything from clean water resources, to investment in the arts, and coastline conservancy. Each section is strategically designed so the user can jump from story to story, depending on their interests.

Using the latest web technologies, the site maximizes accessibility. Responsive web design resizes the screen to the size of your device, whether it’s mobile, desktop, or tablet. Furthermore, the entire Commons is supported by a custom, web-based content management system that ensures that new data, stories, and issues can be continually added to keep content fresh and relevant. User- generated content can be analyzed to help inform future public policy.