Project Overview

Georgia Experience Center

We reminded a very grown-up audience of their inner kid.

Georgia Power’s Community and Economic Development Group sells the state of Georgia to businesses around the globe. Since decision-making in economic development is based largely on data, communications in this industry tend to target only the intellect. At the new Georgia Experience Center, we helped our clients engage visitors’ emotions as well.

In the lobby, a Data Visualization Wall beckons visitors to enter and piques their curiosity, signaling passage into a space unlike any other. Dubbed the “Barometer of Boom,” this installation turns statistics into stories by using visual metaphors to compare Georgia’s employment growth, technology jobs, and GDP against the national average.

The Immersion Room makes economic opportunity palpable, as business leaders are invited to explore all that Georgia has to offer them. The choreographed interplay of custom lighting, spatial sound, and dynamic content creates an atmosphere of intrigue and adventure—effectively flipping the paradigm from presentation to participation.

Making use of physical space as a storytelling medium, both installations creatively deploy technology to facilitate human conversation and connection.