Project Overview

Innovators On The Line

At the premier open-source technology event, we created a pop-up crash course to push possibility.

How do ideas become real-life breakthroughs? There’s no manual or class that explains this confusing and unconventional process—so we created a new kind of educational experience to spur innovation at the annual Red Hat Summit.

Designed to open the mind and eliminate distractions, this pop-up crash course embraced self-guided learning in an analog environment free of chairs, whiteboards, and traditional instructors. At its core was an otherwise hard-to-reach network of award-winning innovators who transformed the 3,200 square-foot space into a storyscape of useful insight and advice.

The destination became a source of enlightenment and connection for more than 8,600 attendees across 20+ industries.

Oversized phone booths offered accessible yet intimate areas for individual rumination, providing an escape from the event’s overstimulating atmosphere. Built with 85,000 feet of paracord inspired by old tin can telephones, these audio towers illuminated to signify the passing of information from one person to another.

Together with Red Hat’s most innovative clients, we collectively moved big thinkers toward action in a way that was anything but textbook.