Project Overview

Sanford Imagenetics

In the courtyard of a cutting-edge medical facility, we opened a doorway to the future of healthcare.

What if integrating genetic medicine into your regular primary care regimen could make you healthier and lower your healthcare costs? This is the vision behind Sanford Imagenetics. We built an immersive installation to get patients onboard with this revolutionary change.

In a patient thoroughfare at the heart of the Sanford Health campus, we used a hanging light sculpture, two floor displays and responsive technology to turn a regular doctor’s appointment into a disarming first encounter with genetic medicine.

The floor displays issue playful invitations to engage, eliciting voice and facial inputs from passersby. This biometric data triggers an on-screen visualization—inspired by the unique individual patterns of DNA—which is then reflected in the twinkling animations of the light sculpture overhead. By using the entire environment as our storytelling canvas, we sparked curiosity about genetics and introduced patients to a realm of wondrous possibility for health care.