This Web site tells the behind-the-scenes stories of capturing unforgettable National Geographic images through dispatches from photographers in the field.
For decades National Geographic Television has educated and thrilled audiences, bringing the world into our living rooms. But sometimes the program’s greatest adventures never make it to the screen. Join the expedition crew via video and “phone calls from the field” as they face shark bites, amorous elephants, and exploding glaciers. Weekly Field Tales relate stories from an archive of old assignments, and an in-depth Current Assignments section features first-hand tales of adventure. Using contemporary communication technologies, National Geographic crews around the globe send back dispatches, images, IPIX panoramas, and RealMedia clips that brief site visitors on the action they’ll never see when the show comes out. To create the Current Assignment feature, producers gather information from the field, then use a template to shape stories that capture and reflect spontaneous happenings. Each feature reflects a unique journey through a combination of video and audio clips, music, maps, and interviews. The result is “live information design” that marries broadcast and magazine journalism with interactive Web functionality.