Project Overview

Wise Wood

At their flagship Avalon store, Whole Foods Market is finding new ways to share its values. Customers need information to make meaningful choices about what they decide to buy and support. And every store visit is seen as an opportunity to meet this need through education.

From floor to ceiling, the physical environment is loaded with educational messages. But when shopping, not everyone is in the mood—or has the time—to read. Because of this text-heavy approach, customers were missing out. Our goal was to find a way to draw attention to these messages and to help the information stick.

If you want people to want to learn, you just need to make it fun. Wise Wood is an interactive wooden signage platform that invites shoppers to learn through play. Here, we tell the story of the new “Responsibly Grown” rating system for produce and flowers that rewards farmers for protecting both our health and the environment.

Physical controls leverage curiosity to compel interaction. Customers transform a farm landscape, revealing delightful animations and learning about sustainable farming practices along the way. Every action delivers an “a-ha” moment and creates a lasting impression that helps customers make more informed shopping decisions.

Every day at Avalon is proof that learning can be fun. With Wise Wood, we can now explain complex things in simple ways. This new platform for education helps shoppers understand how their little everyday choices can have a big impact on our world.